
St. 卢克欢迎新的教职员工和庆祝熟悉的面孔在新的角色

St. 卢克的 would like to welcome our new 2023-2024 教师 和工作人员 and celebrate returning 教师 和工作人员 in their new/additional roles. 


后排:迈克·埃文斯, 迈克尔·霍法, 比利Bludgus, 金赛弗格森, 珍妮弗罗兹, 杰克休斯, 马特Giannettino; Front Row: Jiaxuan "Mikki" Zong, 贝丝Woelflein, 三美Janower, and 米娅Berretta; Not pictured: Fahmida艾哈迈德 and 罗德尼蔓生

Fahmida艾哈迈德 is a proud 2022 graduate of UConn with a degree in Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS). 虽然她之前有过人力资源方面的工作经验, 她很兴奋,这是她第一次尝试全职工作. 法赫米达加入了圣. 卢克的 in March and shares that she has been incredibly happy and pleasantly taken aback by the warmth, 支持, 和友好,她经历了自从开始. 这是这里优美环境的真实证明.


Mya加入St. 卢克的 as the 高中科学教学研究员, teaching two sections in chemistry. She recently graduated from Hamilton College, where she also played Varsity Women’s Ice Hockey. 在汉密尔顿的时候, 她主修神经科学,辅修法学, 法律, 及司法研究. Mya is excited to take on the role of Head Coach for the up-and-coming girls ice hockey program at St. 卢克的. 在教室外面和溜冰场, 米娅喜欢和她的杰克罗素梗在一起, 查理, 还有去海滩.

来圣之前. 卢克的, 比利曾在Brilla学校担任中学助理督学, 布朗克斯的特许学校网络. While Billy is well-versed in middle school, his career prior to 2021 focused on grades 9-12. 之前Brilla, 比利在加利福尼亚和佛罗里达的克里斯多雷高中工作, 从学生主任到副校长,最后是校长. 他的职业生涯始于上东区的洛约拉学校, where he developed and ran a comprehensive service-learning program for the 上学校. 作为一名训练有素的数学教师,他一直在学校教书. 对服务充满热情, 比利在达累斯萨拉姆成立了蓝色希望之家基金会, 坦桑尼亚, 并担任了10年的总裁. 比利和他的妻子住在斯坦福德, 凯尔西, 白原医院的普通外科医师助理. 工作之余,他喜欢跑步、远足、旅游、戏剧和烘焙.

迈克从圣. 卢克今年1月回归,担任八年级和五年级的西班牙语老师. 迈克教外语已经11年了. 他在古巴的服务学习方面也有广泛的背景, 多米尼加共和国, 以及墨西哥, Full Court Peace which increases access to basketball by getting communities to work together.. 


金赛担任圣. 十月卢克的前台主管. 金赛来自葡萄园藤, 她在格林威治和新迦南做了多年的商店经理. In this role, Kinsey’s responsibilities included safety and security training for store employees. Kinsey is a warm, welcoming face for community members and visitors arriving on campus.  

学校辅导员 & 足球总教练
马特是圣。. 卢克5年级和11年级的新辅导员和大学橄榄球队的总教练. He is coming to us from Long Island, New York, and recently moved to West Harrison.  Matt is a former college athlete who graduated with his bachelor’s degreein 领导 Studies from Marist College and master’s degree in Education/School Counseling from St. 约翰的大学. Matt aspires to be an upper school administrator in the future and is excited to grow within the SLS community.

杰克来自新迦南, 他在那里长大,和他的四个姐妹一起上幼儿园, 打篮球和越野跑步. 从新迦南高中毕业后, 他就读于康涅狄格大学,主修英语文学, 继续攻读文学硕士 & PhD in English Literature with a focus on 19th-century British 浪漫主义 at Penn State University—Jake is still a member of the Lord Byron Society of America. 毕业于宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 杰克转到布鲁克林的伯克利卡罗尔学校教书, NY, where he has taught 上学校 English and American Studies for the past 8 years, 包括莎士比亚课程, 浪漫主义, 詹姆斯·鲍德温 & 理查德·赖特,《bet356app在线登录》. His wife Caroline (also a New Canaan High School graduate) is senior minister of Wilton Congregational Church and they live in the church parsonage in Wilton with their two sons, 亨利(3岁)和朱利安(3个月). 

体育主任 & PE
Michael is a deeply experienced Athletic Director with a Master's in Teaching from Columbia and a lifetime of first-hand experience in top independent schools. 迈克尔在体育营销部门工作了几年, 他在哪里磨练了自己的领导能力和团队建设能力. 来圣之前. 在卢克的时候,迈克尔曾担任纽约德怀特学校的体育主任. 他于2011年开始在德怀特工作,担任过许多职务, 包括作为老师, 德怀特的DEI小组成员, 在2016年被任命为副院长之前,他是10年级院长. 迈克尔和他的家人住在康涅狄格州的费尔菲尔德. His children, Alana and Aiden, keep him quite busy with all of their weekend activities. He loves to hike, cook, 旅行, and play hockey with a local men’s league as much as he can.

Sammi加入St. 卢克是高中历史助教, 教授世界历史基础的两个部分. 作为一名本科生, Sammi majored in Sociology and minored in English and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. 在高中和大学, Sammi participated in musical 剧院 and served as a varsity coxswain on both men’s and women’s rowing teams. Sammi has previously worked in project management and loves dogs, coffee, and 旅行ing.

Jen has worked in development for more than thirty years at highly respected independent schools, 包括查平学校和她的母校, 卢米斯查菲学校. 最近, Jennifer served as the Director of Institutional Advancement at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School and The Cathedral School of St. 神圣的约翰. These schools thrived thanks to Jennifer’s long track record of achieving strategic goals. 她的秘密武器是合作, 高度的创新精神, 大创意的产生, 以及建立深厚联系的热情. 珍住在罗威顿,享受与家人和朋友在一起的时光, 旅行, 滑雪, 剧院, 现场音乐, 和她的狗比阿特丽斯一起远足. 

罗德尼从圣. 卢克在十一月. 罗德尼在公共安全方面有20多年的经验. 作为一名前消防员, 应急响应技术员, 和美国海军陆战队, 罗德尼在紧急情况和医疗反应方面有丰富的经验, 救援技能, 解决冲突, 安全合规. 在St之前. 卢克的, 罗德尼在新迦南镇教育委员会工作, 监督安全和安保工作1人以上,300名学生, 教师, 和工作人员. 在此之前,他曾担任St. 文森特的行为健康, managing 25 security officers and coordinating emergency response drills with local emergency services.

贝丝来到圣. 卢克来自绿色农场学院, where she led all middle school choirs and helped with musical productions for eight years. 在那之前, 贝丝在萨菲尔德学院生活和工作了六年, 发展和活跃他们的高中合唱项目. 贝丝的教学生涯是从这里开始的. 他在2002年至2006年期间担任中学唱诗班老师. She studied voice and music education at the Hartt School of 音乐 and is an active soprano in the area. Beth lives in Danbury with her three children, two of whom will attend SLS this fall. 当她不教书的时候, 贝丝在树林里听鸟鸣, 看恐怖电影, 或者为所爱的人做饭放松. She is so grateful to be back in this warm community and looks forward to bringing her passion for choral music to the students!

Jiaxuan obtained her bachelor's degree and first master's degree in landscape architecture, 第二个TESOL硕士学位. 她毕业于马里兰大学, 学院公园, 于2023年6月获得应用语言学和语言教育博士学位. Her dissertation is a qualitative study examining FL teachers' and students' language practices and attitudes through the lens of translanguaging and humanizing pedagogy. Her current research interests include understanding the intercultural awareness and competency of Mandarin instructors as well as the pedagogical implications of such constructs. She is also interested in investigating and integrating meaningful language theories into practices in Mandarin classrooms. She can't wait to start her career as a language educator at this excellent institution and within this amazing world language department.




Zach Brusko, Middle and 上学校 Department Chair for Computer Science and Engineering

菲尔·考克斯, interim 上学校 History Department Chair (remaining 中学 History Department Chair)




Kimberly Gerardi, designLab总监

Elizabeth Guillen, Equity & 包容积分器 

让·迈尔斯,公平公司 & 包含协调员


Stephanie Rein, Equity & 包容积分器


Sarah Westerberg-Egan,中学生生活协调员

St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.